Madison and Stacie and Kylie! Thank you so much for being excellent examples of what Panthers can do in the classroom! Your helpfulness and diligence are appreciated!
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
Get ready for next Wednesday!
about 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Wonderful performances by the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble this evening at the State Large Ensemble Festival Preview Concert! What a display of excellence all around! Great job Panthers and good luck at State next week! #FZNPride
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
This is a Panther who looks out for other Panthers. His kindness is noticed and appreciated by many people. Thanks, Colin! We're happy to have you at North!
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
Anakin doing great things in his ELA class which earned him a Positive Office Referral from Mrs. Chamberlain...way to go Anakin! #FZNPride
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
Happy Monday...students are hard at work this morning in Mr. Rafferty's math class starting a new unit/lesson. #FZNPride
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
Our performing arts teachers work tirelessly to ensure our kids have the very best experience! Here is our amazing band director Mr Stewart putting the finishing touches on a group before they perform at Districts. Thank you to our teachers for all they do! #FZNPride
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
Good luck to our talented band, orchestra, and choir Panthers as they perform at District Solo & Ensemble Festival today! #FZNPride
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
The FZN choir performance was absolutely incredible tonight. These students work so hard to prepare such challenging pieces!
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
Mixed Chamber!
treble choir!
Can you feel the #FZJoy? Fort Zumwalt School District is proud to be one of the 19 midsize Missouri businesses -- and the only Missouri public school district -- recognized among America’s Best Employers by Forbes. You can read more about the recognition at Our employees maintain 2.8 million square feet of facilities, a fleet of 172 buses and 24,500 electronic devices. Each day they manage the operations in our 31 offices; transport 13,500 students; serve 9,200 meals and TEACH 16,920 members of the future workforce. Looking to find your direction?
about 1 year ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Our Technology Department maintains almost 25,000 devices
Our Transportation Department transports more than 13,000 students daily
Our Student Nutrition Team serves more than 9,000 meals daily
Our Teachers teach 16,000 future members of the workforce
FZSD Among America's Best Employers according to Forbes
Annabelle is such an impressive Panther that she received a positive office referral! Way to go!!
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
Ms. Schupp presented during our lunch time PD offering for teachers yesterday. She does a great job forming positive relationships and creating relevant content. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and practices with NHS teachers!
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
Positive office referrals! Wahoo! Way to go Mr. Baldwin and Emerson!
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
Mr. Baldwin (and Lucas)
What a show! The FZN orchestras did a wonderful job this evening!
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
Symphonic Orchestra!
Congrats to Calianne L., Yoselin C., Paige C., and Austin W. for being nominated for this week's PPI Panther Spotlight.
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
You have to live it when students and staff get celebrated in the same day!! Wahoo!
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
Check out Episode 9 of the FZN Activity Show featuring interview with wrestler Cole Aguirre.
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
What a way to end a Thursday! Thanks for being great, Colin!
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
Final score: Panthers 24 Longhorns 57 #PantherPride
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin
Halftime: Panthers 16 Longhorns 34 #PantherPride
about 1 year ago, FZN Admin