Correction: FZS 44 FZN 21
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
After 3 quarters of play FZN 41 FZS 25
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
At the half FZN 16 FZS 31
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
After 1 quarter of play FZN 4 FZS 18
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
The Varsity Girls Basketball team host the FZS Bulldogs in GAC Central Division play....Go Panthers!
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
The Junior Varisty Boys and Girls fought hard but fall to the Bulldogs...great effort Panthers!
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
At the half of the JV Girls game: Panthers 11 Bulldogs 10
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
At the half of the JV Boys game: Panthers 15 Bulldogs 28
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
Junior Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball games are underway as the Panthers host the Bulldogs from Fort Zumwalt South this evening in GAC Central Division High School Basketball...Go Panthers!
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
Today our Positive Peer Influence Panther Connection Mentors held their monthly workshop to prepare for their classroom visits next week. This month's topic is Begin with the End In Mind!
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
Curriculum Night for incoming freshmen will be this Thursday, January 12th, 6-8pm in the FZ North High Gym.
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
Your Panthers take 4th place out of 12 teams!! Great work, Ladies!! #PantherPride
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
More Panther news from the Invitational: -Callie James 3rd place in the 100 freestyle 🥉 -Murphy, Ross, Shaw, and Gittemeier finish 2nd in the 200 free relay 🥈 #PantherPride
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
Here are some results from the Invitational: -Panthers earn 1st place in the 1 meter dive 🥇 -Murphy, Ross, Shaw, and Gittemeier earn 3rd place in the 200 medley relay 😤 -Callie James 2nd place in the 50 freestyle 💪🏼 #PantherPride
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
FZ North Girls Swimming and Diving Invitational is underway! #PantherPride
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
🚨Freshman Class T-shirts🚨 Class of 2026, order your t-shirts by clicking on the link below. The store will close at the end of the day on January 13.
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
Another student being recognized for being amazing on the Northside! Way to go, Noah!
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
positive office referral
Welcome back FZN! Starting the second semester off by recognizing several students that received positive office referrals!
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
positive office referral
positive office referral
positive office referral
positive office referral
Congratulations to Ms. Gawronski on being our staff appreciation raffle winner for this month! Thank you for all you do for NHS students!
about 2 years ago, FZN Admin
appreciation raffle
Tune in to the regular Superintendent's Update with #FZSupt Dr. Bernie DuBray. We're halfway through the school year! Checking in on achievements, work for semester two and music from student ensembles. Find the FORTiTUDE podcast wherever you get your podcasts or, check this episode here:
about 2 years ago, FORTiTUDE podcast
FORTiTUDE podcast: #FZSupt Update 12.28.22