Panthers take 4th place in the JV 400 yd Freestyle Relay #PantherPride

Adalyn Dolan with a 1st place finish in the 100 yd Breaststroke #PantherPride

Caroline Goeke takes 1st place in the 100 yd Backstroke #PantherPride

Panthers take 1st place in the Varsity 200 yd Freestyle Relay #PantherPride

Panthers take 2nd place in the JV 200 yd Freestyle Relay #PantherPride

Adalyn Dolan takes 1st place AND sets a new FZN record in the 500 yd Freestyle 🥇💪🏼 #PantherPride

Caroline Goeke takes 1st in the 100 yd Freestyle #PantherPride

Hanna Shaw takes 4th place in the 100 yd Butterfly #PantherPride

Lilian Hagan takes 3rd place in the 50 yd Freestyle #PantherPride

Marissa Allen 1st place and Abby Hogan 3rd place in Dive #PantherPride

Hannah Shaw takes 3rd place in the 200 yd Freestyle #PantherPride

Panthers take 1st place in the Varsity 200 yd medley #PantherPride

Panthers take 1st place in the JV 200 yd medley #PantherPride

It's a great day for the 2025 FZN Swimming and Diving Invitational! #PantherPride

All activities and facilities usage in Fort Zumwalt School District are canceled today, Jan. 10, 2025.

The timing of the recent winter storm has presented a number of challenges for Fort Zumwalt’s final exam schedule. With Thursday being our fourth inclement weather day in a row, any further delay of finals will impact second semester plans. Because of these unique circumstances:
High school students will have a half-day AMI Day tomorrow, Friday, Jan. 10. Currently, students are scheduled to attend their first semester classes on the A Day schedule Monday. Second semester will begin Tuesday, Jan. 14.
FINAL EXAMS WILL BE OPTIONAL. Students will not be required to take finals. There will be an opportunity for students who wish to improve their current semester grade to take one or more final exams during a make-up session arranged by their school. For students who elect this option, any final exam score will only be added to the gradebook if it improves their semester grade.
Each school will share arrangements for students needing to take finals in dual credit courses; End-of-Course (EOC) exams or Industry Recognized Credentials (IRC) exams. While all students will be held harmless for school final exams, the requirements for dual credit classes or IRCs are determined by their issuing institution. Please contact your student’s counselor if you have questions.
Additional information about final exam schedules will come by email directly from your school later today.

Dear Fort Zumwalt families,
Out of an abundance of caution, the district will use an AMI Day on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025. District leaders have been monitoring conditions across the district all day and, though things are much improved in many areas, a number of roads remain hazardous and, in quite a few neighborhoods, even impassable. Thank you to our maintenance and custodial team members, who have put great effort into preparing our buildings for staff and students to return. It has been more than 10 years since our community has dealt with a storm like this, and we appreciate their efforts to have campuses ready. High school students and families should watch for an email update from your school tomorrow, Jan. 9. Students Pre-K - 8 are already scheduled to be off Friday for a Records Day. Thank you for your patience as we are all working through this winter weather together.
Pre-K through 5 - AMI Packet No. 3
6 - 12 Login to Canvas

Dear Fort Zumwalt families,
Out of an abundance of caution, the district will use an AMI Day on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025. District leaders have been monitoring conditions across the district all day and, though things are much improved in many areas, a number of roads remain hazardous and, in quite a few neighborhoods, even impassable.
Thank you to our maintenance and custodial team members, who have put great effort into preparing our buildings for staff and students to return. It has been more than 10 years since our community has dealt with a storm like this, and we appreciate their efforts to have campuses ready.
High school students and families should watch for an email update from your school tomorrow, Jan. 9. Students Pre-K - 8 are already scheduled to be off Friday for a Records Day.
Thank you for your patience as we are all working through this winter weather together.
Pre-K through 5 - AMI Packet No. 3
6 - 12 Login to Canvas

As you are aware, Fort Zumwalt School District canceled school Jan. 6 and called an AMI Day for Jan. 7. Due to inclement weather and hazardous road conditions Jan. 8, 2025, will be an AMI Day.
As a result, high school students have not had the opportunity to review for finals as scheduled. In order to address this unusual circumstance, final exams will only be used to positively impact semester grades and they will not be used to bring down any individual final semester grade. Students are still expected to attend class and take final exams, with some minor adjustments to the schedule.
Wednesday, Jan. 8 is an AMI Day that will be used to provide virtual review sessions.
Thursday, Jan. 9 and Friday, Jan. 10 will remain half-day finals schedules. (Check your school website for specifics).
Monday, Jan. 13 will be a full day of finals and will be the last day of the first semester. (Check your school website for specifics).
Tuesday, Jan. 14th will be the beginning of second semester classes
Questions should be directed to your student’s teacher(s) or to your high school office. Thank you for your patience as we work through this weather situation. Stay warm and safe.

Monday, Jan. 6, 2025, will be a traditional snow day in Fort Zumwalt School District. There will be no school Monday, Jan. 6, 2025, due to inclement weather and road conditions. Just a reminder, this means the day will have to be made up at the end of the school year.