More students doing great things! Thanks Lexy and Chaun! You make us full of #FZNPride!

Congratulations Gavin Hemmer! He received a positive office referral for being friendly and kind to peers and staff, participating in class, and for following classroom expectations. #FZNPride #BUILTONTHENORTHSIDE

Our first NHS Enterprise lunch is ready for staff! Great work to all the students and staff in Enterprise for making this happen!

Congratulations Olivia Martin! She received a positive office referral for stepping out of her comfort zone in class, and always making it a point to try to include everyone. #FZNPride #BUILTONTHENORTHSIDE

Lions come out on top in the PK shootout. What a game. Heads up, Panthers. #PantherPride

It's coming down to the PK shootout!

After an exciting OT, we're still tied up 1-1. OT round 2 coming up. #PantherPride

Panthers with the equalizer with 4 minutes left on the clock!! Panthers 1 Lions 1

With about a minute on the clock before halftime, the Lions find the back of the net. Panthers 0 Lions 1 at the half. #PantherPride

Your Panthers are on the road this evening taking on the FZE Lions. It's a beautiful night for some soccer. #FZNPride

Congrats to Geoffrey Alva for receiving honors from the National Hispanic Recognition Program for his performance on the College Board assessments

Congrats to Andrew Lubiewski for being named a 2024 National Merit Semifinalist.

Holt scores 2 minutes into OT to win the game 2-1. Tough one Panthers.

Holt scores with 8 left in the game to send this one into OT.

Panthers soccer takes a 1 goal lead into the half. FZN 1 Holt 0.

Your 5-1 Varsity Boy's Soccer Team is just about to take on Holt at Holt. Big game for the Panthers. Let's Go!

So many Panthers doing great things and being referred for Positive Office Referrals. Congrats to Mia, Austin, Owen, Brandy, and Elizabeth!

Congratulations Rylan Hibbs, Nora LaChance, Olivia Martin, Ryan Lubiewski, and Quintin Manlove on receiving positive office referrals this week! #BUILTONTHENORTHSIDE #FZNPRIDE

Varsity Tennis dominated the courts today, but got rained out. Hard play on all courts.

Varsity soccer fell in PKs after controlling the ball for a majority of the game. We'll-played on both sides, but the victory goes to Parkway North.