Parents can find a step-by-step to walk through account creation on the new FZSD Family Portal here: https://5il.co/2risu
Thank you for your patience as we launch this new tool.

The FZN Jazz Band has been selected to perform at the MMEA state conference during the upcoming school year. This is the 7th time the Northside band has been selected to perform at this prestigious event & first under director Matt Schultz.

Dear Fort Zumwalt families,
We are glad to hear that you are excited about our new portal app.
Please be advised that testing has not been completed on our new system.
You will receive an email when the system is ready for you.
We want you to have the best user experience we can deliver and appreciate your patience as we go through the final phases of our migration.
Remember, you will receive an email when the system is ready for you. We advise you to wait until then to download the new app. Thank you for your patience.

Parking selection windows have changed!
Seniors: come select your spots during the week of 29 July-1 August.
Juniors: come select your spots during the week of 5-8 August.
There will be information regarding registration including a parking component coming soon!

Looking for supply lists before Prime Day? We've got you covered.
Not ready to think about the new school year yet? That's OK!
The Back To School Headquarters is live at go.FZSD.us/BackToSchool
and there for you when you are ready.
Get information on: Annual paperwork, Supplies. Student Nutrition. Transportation
and More!
Families should watch for an email regarding the launch of the new FZSD Family Portal by Focus School Software later this month.

Great job by the Panther Pride Band today at the O'fallon Heritage Festival 4th of July Parade...way to go band! #FZNPride #builtonthenorthside

The information below has changed. Both windows will be delayed one week.
Seniors! Come select your parking spots during the week of 22-25 July.
Juniors! You can get your spots during the week of 29 July-1 August.
We can help from 8-4.

North High is well-represented at the Grow Your Own Teacher Golf Tournament today! Beautiful day for future teachers, and thanks to Gavin and Mia for being here as previous recipients! (Fleer for scale)

FZN teachers and staff engaged in Leader and Me (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) today.

Are you ready to order Fort Zumwalt North's yearbook for the 2024-2025 school year? Here is the link!

Walls are going up! Look at this progress! We are definitely looking forward to seeing our Panthers back in August to see the new cafe addition and how far the front has come along!

Due to construction on campus at Fort Zumwalt North, please refer to the shown parking map for attendance at summer camps. Thank you!

A big thank you to these two gentlemen who have kept their eyes on our campus all year! Thank you, Rich and Shon! You are appreciated!

We had a chance to celebrate our retirees today at lunch! We will miss these Panthers! Good luck with all your next plans!

Aayla! Sully! Grace! Thanks for being awesome Panthers and looking out for those around you! Panthers like you make North High GREAT!!

The Panther Pride Marching Band performed our National Anthem at the Ofallon Hoots Home Baseball Game! Sounded great and represented NHS with class in front of a packed crowd...way to go Panthers! #FZNPride #builtonthenorthside

Welcome to the last week of the 2023-2024 school year! Important things for families to do this week:
Check for and pay fines and fees in the parent portal. (Did you know the district currently has more than $80,000 in outstanding meal account payments?)
Pick up any prescription medications from the clinic.
Remember sunscreen and water if your student(s) celebrate Field Day.
Pack a disposable lunch bag if your student(s) pack lunch on the last day.
Schedule your student(s) to get their vaccinations updated if they will be in Kindergarten, 8th or 12th grade next fall so they are ready to return in August.
Watch your email inbox for important updates this summer.
Plan your summer reading list!

FZN grads and grad night at Kokomo Joe's.

It's official! Congratulations to the North High Class of 2024!

S/O and congrats to our students studying through Lewis & Clark Tech and our apprenticeship program They brought home 8 gold medals from the state SkillsUSA competition and six earned trips to nationals! Learn more: https://www.fz.k12.mo.us/article/1524606