Senior Yearbook Ads are due next Friday! If you haven't yet done so, now is the time to get yours submitted! Let Mrs. Ayers know if you have questions! jayers@fz.k12.mo.us

Thanks to members of our Symphonic Orchestra for performing our National Anthem this morning!

Here are our senior Panthers who have each spent four years with the volleyball program! Thanks for the memories, Mia, Hannah, and Peyton!

Panthers dropped their match to a tough Grizzlies team tonight. You played strong tonight, North, keep your chins up!

Thank you FZN parents for providing the amazing pasta lunch for our teachers and staff on Wednesday 10/17/24. It was greatly appreciated!

PPI Panther Connection Mentors are hard at work today mentoring 9th grade students! This month's topic is What Makes You, You? #FZNPride #TRUENorth #BuiltOnTheNorthside

A couple of Panthers caught displaying their T.R.U.E. North today! #FZNPride #TRUENorth #PositiveOfficeReferral

Freshman football beats FZS 28-18 this evening.

Seniors! The senior portrait retakes have been rescheduled for October 29! We'll remind you when it gets closer!

Garrett! Sam! Tori! Thanks for being such awesome Panthers!

🚨Final Score🚨 Panthers 35 Bulldogs 14 #PantherPride

You've heard it before. Jayden Burleson with a 38 yd rushing TD. Thomas with the PAT. Panthers 28 Bulldogs 14 #PantherPride

Bulldogs score and the 2 pt attempt is good. Panthers 21 Bulldogs 14 with 4:01 remaining in Q3. #PantherPride

Panther Pride Band putting on a show!! Great work! #PantherPride

Varsity dance! Great job, Ladies! #PantherPride

Varsity Cheer 😤

Halftime: Panthers 21 Bulldogs 6 #PantherPride

Burleson finds the end zone again with 2:02 remaining in the half. Thomas with the PAT. Panthers 21 Bulldogs 6. #PantherPride

Jayden Burleson with a 70 yd rushing TD! Thomas with the PAT. Panthers 14 Bulldogs 6. #PantherPride

Newcomb finds the end zone! Thomas with the PAT. Panthers 7 Bulldogs 6. 11:25 to go in Q2. #PantherPride